Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Beware of the Anointed

How about being "dissed" by a Cornell econ prof folks? Robert H. Frank (rhymes with crank, no just kidding) is a Cornell University econ professor and (surprise!) a columnist for the NYT’s. Here is what he had to say about those of us who oppose the so-called stimulus package: "The fact that stimulus opponents are far less numerous, have less distinguished academic credentials, on average, and are far less ideologically diverse than their counterparts does not guarantee they're wrong. But these factors should make rational consumers and investors less likely to side with them. And since this is really an argument about expectations, that's probably enough."

Now that hurts, that really hurts.

But thank you Bob. (The reality that 5 Nobel laureates have joined us is merely an inconvenience for Bob. We don’t need them however; we know we’re right anyway.) The fact is that every time "rational consumers and investors" listen to the likes of Bob they shed the rational part. Bob and his kind never saw a tax or levy or program they didn’t like; they never saw an arm of government that wasn’t soft and furry; they never saw a job that wasn’t secure and privileged. Bob and the rest of the sophisticate elite see the real world - how the unwashed are led, fooled and mesmerized - as their flock, in need of constant herding. Sorry Bob, I’ve seen more stupid people in grad school than I ever did working on my father’s cattle ranch, and I’d trust a good ‘ol cowboy any day not to bankrupt this country more than I would you.

The "stimulus" is nothing but a war against producers. It cannot work and will not work (see past sketches). It is a heist by the Democrats; it is a tragedy.

If you care about your kids dear readers, write your Congressman.

Robert Craven

1 comment:

  1. " I’d trust a good ‘ol cowboy any day not to bankrupt this country more than I would you"

    Yet somehow a good 'ol cowboy did bankrupt this country...
