Friday, July 16, 2010


If economic literacy were a requirement for entering the voting booth the Democratic party would be doomed. If the economic implications of BO’s agenda for example were to register with most who voted for this guy, then after kicking themselves in the rear, they’d vow - never again.

Unfortunately, the masses are slow to pick up on this stuff. So what literally happens is that those of us with a handle take a time out so that those without, can catch up. It’s frustrating.

The left and most of their kind ignore history, particularly economic history; no such thing actually exists in their exquisite, tiny little minds. It’s a pleasant case of amnesia.

Operatives of the left know this; BO knows this; all play to it. They knew most registered Democrats could not get their arms around the culpability of those who protected the twins, the original act of sin which precipitated the crisis of Q4 08. And they know that many still cannot get their arms around today’s ground zero - that key to understanding the “slow” in slow recovery, the #1 voter concern. Dodd, Obama, Frank, Boxer and others have their fingerprints all over the first; BO alone is responsible for the second.

You can demonstrate the key to the soft economy in a direct way, quoting business leaders for example. It doesn’t register with our lefty friends. That, or the left just cannot look in the mirror and say the words - “I am responsible”. But indeed, business leaders agree that in the Obama world of high business taxes, income taxes, payroll taxes, capital gains taxes, and workers compensation taxes, the key to success is to avoid employees. The only way to survive as a business owner today is by keeping the payroll very low and by hiring only independent contractors or part-time employees provided by temp agencies. This takes the “trickle” out of trickle down.

But wait! For our progressive pals maybe this is the price they are willing to pay. Obama’s statist agenda, repulsive to potential employers may be music to them. To each his own. Sure their business is in the tank, but being principled, stand up guys and not hypocrites, they are very happy to be able to pay for BO’s enlightened agenda, out of their own pockets. Something they are doing at this very moment.

For most of the rest of us, certainly for independents and even many moderate Democrats there is the understanding that with pocket book issues, BO remains the extremist he always was - a far-left ideologue bent on gov’t control of as many productive resources as he can get his hands on. Only the willfully blind didn’t “see” that up front.

Want a brighter economic picture? Bone up on a little economics before you vote next time.

Robert Craven

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