Thursday, January 21, 2010

Brown's victory. Is the Left Listening? Are You Kidding?

Scott Brown and I both drive pickups (nobody calls them "pickup trucks" except city folk). We both championed JFK’s tax cuts. We don’t share the same exposure however so now he’s a Senator and we’re stuck with this blog. That’s ok; we’ll plod along, continuing to overload all our friends’ and cousins’ computers.

Here’s what Brown said: "And remember, as President John F. Kennedy stated, that starts with across-the-board tax cuts for businesses and families to create jobs, put more money in people’s pockets, and stimulate the economy. It’s that simple." Well, not quite, but that, and the perfect timing of this election, at the very point of maximum Obama-driven-nausea, got the job done.

Private enterprise likes Brown’s message. The idea of across-the-board cuts - fine and fair. And certainly if Congress takes the galaxy of tax hikes which are now on the table, off the table, entities which were once employers will once again begin to hire. Otherwise, they will simply continue to make changes that will permanently reduce their appetite for employees, permanently as in forever.

This message will be lost on Obama & Co. The fact that it may be perfectly clear to reasonable individuals is beside the point. Radicals, be they communist labor organizers in the fields of California in the 30's, or be they present day, far-left elitists, all and always and everywhere destroy anything in their way, even their own kind. Both are rigidly programmed to change America, to see to the concentration of planning, thus power in the hands of a highly centralized government. BO is not a communist, nor is he a socialist. BO is a statist. He does not want to necessarily own productive resources; he wants to control productive resources. In such a way he intends to level the playing field.

Finally, Obama and Co consider themselves so morally and mentally superior to the common slob that it is not necessary to reconsider their agenda. It’s our problem. We’re too stupid.

Our trial lawyer friend reminds us of how "bright" Obama and other elitists really are. Don’t worry he says. Neither did Stalin worry; these types were exactly the bunch to whom his term "useful idiots" referred. Real bright types like Henry Wallace, who never could understand why Truman applied the ax.

Robert Craven

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