Friday, March 18, 2011

Obama - Primary Retardant

In the old days folks, things were simple. Park at the Santa Fe depot and count the cars. Tour a shopping center parking lot. On a trip to Long Beach, check out port activity. That was about all there was to it. That’s all we needed to get a pretty darn good idea of consumer activity ahead. That’s worth 70% of the equation right there.

No more. As we noted the other day, you need a spook or two in the Mid East and half of Congress wired, or your without a leg up.

Well, we try to get by.

With all the noise and ruckus offshore, it is easy to forget that we’re sitting astride a US engine which was firing on 5 of 8 and is trying its best to go to 6 or 7. We’ve noted potential retardants, the Mid East key among these. But we had through ‘09 and ‘10 a very real retardant, nothing potential about it.

We were in school when Nixon convinced Burns to fire the economy on 9 of 8 cylinders, inflation be damned. Short of that event, never before has a correct sense of political reality so directly impacted economic strategy.

In fact, the single key hindrance to a recovery resides in the White House, or did. And don’t forget that Obama and his party are partly or wholly responsible for sparking the crisis in the first place (protected the twins from reform to buy black votes).

We stated in posts ahead of the Nov election that results would spark the economy. Forecasters missed this point completely; that is, the delivery of economic traction. As we predicted, both business and consumer were cheered by the result and then further cheered as the new majority in the House began quickly, more quickly than most suspected, to make repairs.

Obama’s education has represented a huge expense for all of us. He’s learned enough to act the right way to get re-elected. OK. To the extent he can refrain from further interference, the US economy will do just fine.

Robert Craven

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